Brand: Peaty's

Peaty's LinkLube All-Weather Lube 60 ml

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About Product

Born in the lab and raised between the tapes, Peaty's Link Lube is a minty fresh, triple distilled, ultra high speed chain oil for use in all conditions.

Our unique two-part formula penetrates and cleans deep inside your chain, driving out moisture, grit and grime and replacing them with unique blend of oils and waxes (Peaty's secret sauce) to lubricate and protect. Yes, you read that correctly... Peaty's Link Lube actually cleans your chain as you use it!


  • You'll see that when your bottle of LinkLube has been sat still for a while, it will settle with the clear base lube on top and a mystery blue secret sauce slowly falling to the bottom of the bottle. Fear not! This is an important feature which enables our lube to be used in all weather conditions.
  • The secret sauce is a unique compound of oils and waxes which are usually only found individually in either wet or dry lubes. With a lot of hard work in the lab, we've managed to blend them together into a single super lube which can provide incredible long-lasting protection in the wet, while remaining uncharacteristically clean in dry and dusty conditions.
  • The clear base lube is an anti-corrosive, fast penetrating, water displacing oil which - when shaken up with the secret sauce - will find its way into every nook and cranny of your chain. Once it reaches the inner depths of your chain links, the base oil will drive out moisture, grit and grime and leave behind the special sauce to reduce friction, reduce vibration and reduce drivetrain noise.


  • Fully degrease drivetrain before applying fresh lube to ensure there is no old chain oil present. For best results, use our foaming drivetrain degreaser or xxx solvent degreaser to remove stubborn factory greases in the case of brand new chains.
  • Ensure you thoroughly rinse your chain with clean water after degreasing (degreaser is designed to eat chain oil after all).
  • Remove as much water as you can from the chain. For best results, use PT17.
  • Give the bottle a good shake to evenly distribute the secret sauce.
  • Apply the lube while cycling the chain backwards (ebikes will need to be pedalled forwards in a stand) ensuring every link is adequately covered.
  • Keep cycling the chain for 10seconds or so to help the lube work its way into your chain.
  • Thoroughly wipe away all excess lube from your chain using a clean cloth (excess oil on the outside of the chain will attract dust in dry conditions).
  • 30 Day Returns You have 30 Days to return this product
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  • Pickup In Our Store Collect Your New e-Bike in our store. Bike fully checked & ready-to-go.

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